Samsung will reportedly launch the Galaxy Note 20 and Galaxy Fold 2 on August 5. This is according to a new report from South Korea. If the report were accurate, it would mark the first time that a flagship Samsung phone would be launched at an online-only event.
Meanwhile, sources quoting local media say that the company is yet to take a final decision on the matter. However, epidemics and violent demonstrations in the US could eventually force the company’s hands, the report said. Earlier reports had also suggested that Samsung’s next ‘unpacked’ event could be held online.
The South Korean consumer electronics giant has typically launched its flagship smartphones in a largely ‘unpacked’ event in the US. While Galaxy S-series devices are commonly announced in February in San Francisco, the Galaxy Note lineup is unveiled in New York in August.
The first ‘unpacked’ event for the Galaxy S20 launch went ahead earlier this year. However, this became apparent before the epidemic was in full swing. Now, if anything is known from the latest report, this year’s second unpacked press conference could only be a digital event.
Meanwhile, the report also suggests that Samsung will also launch the Galaxy Fold 2 along with the Note 20 series. Recent rumors suggest that the Fold 2 may have a 7.59-inch dynamic AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. It is said to be powered by Snapdragon 865 or Snapdragon 865+ chipsets. The device can be available in 256GB and 512GB storage variants.
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