Mi With the introduction of ARM Cortex A78 and Cortex X1, Qualcomm’s next-generation flagship SoC emerged. According to recent reports, Qualcomm’s next-generation flagship SoC will be named Snapdragon 875. In addition, this chip is likely to be a combination of Cortex X1 Super Core + Cortex A78. There are also reports that Samsung’s next-generation Exynos flagship SoC will also feature a combination of the Cortex X1 + Cortex A78.
Snapdragon 875 retains triple cluster architecture
Starting with the Snapdragon 855, Qualcomm has introduced a “1 + 3 + 4” triple cluster architecture on its flagship SoC. This architecture consists of one super core + three large cores + four energy-efficient cores. For example, the Snapdragon 865 is composed of 1 high-frequency Cortex A77 + 3 Cortex A77 + 4 Cortex A55’s energy-efficient core.
This time the Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 actually has the capability to deliver the super-core Cortex X1. According to ARM, the Cortex X1 will deliver 30% higher peak performance than the Cortex-A77. Relative to the Cortex-A78, the integer performance of the Cortex-X1 is improved by 23%. In addition, the Cortex-X1 has twice the machine learning capability of the Cortex-A78.
If Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 uses the Cortex X1 + Cortex A78 architecture, it will likely continue the “1 + 3 + 4” combination. This processor will no doubt create a new record in chip performance in the Android camp.
As is customary, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 will be unveiled in Q4 this year. Previously, there were rumors that this new processor would arrive soon. However, the initial arrival of this chip is now in doubt due to the coronovirus epidemic. As of now, we cannot tell whether Qualcomm will still release Snapdragon 875 early.
There is no doubt that Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 will be standard on Android flagship in 2021. Xiaomi’s choice will be the first to use this chip. However, Xiaomi is very interested in MediaTek’s Dimension 5G chips. However, it is most unlikely that MediaTek will pose any real threat to Qualcomm’s flagship mobile chips.