Facebook may soon merge WhatsApp and Messenger. According to the report of WABetaInfo, Facebook has also started its testing. Apart from this, now a tipster named Alessandro Paluzzi has also discovered a hidden feature in the Facebook Messenger app in which WhatsApp chat has been seen. With this, it has also been said that the integration of WhatsApp and Messenger will be optional.
Facebook has not revealed any details of this integration. WABetaInfo reports that this is a very complex feature and requires a lot of time. We do not know whether the plan to merge those services will continue or will it be discontinued.
#Messenger keeps working to support #WhatsApp chats 👀
⚠️ I forced this thread to be recognized as a WhatsApp conversation just to show how it will look when the feature is available, I haven't actually sent a message between the two services! pic.twitter.com/qtJuzO7Dgu
— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) April 16, 2021
It has also been said in this report that this does not mean that Facebook will collect WhatsApp messages. “This is a local database that will start including those messages in the future. WhatsApp messages are encrypted end-to-end and it is believed that Facebook will follow Signal’s protocol to encrypt and decrypt messages that are already used by WhatsApp.
Let us know that recently the company has released a new update for 2.21.71, a new version of WhatsApp for iOS users. With this new update, all users will get two new features. WhatsApp is making it easy for these users to see the photos coming in without opening the chat. WhatsApp’s iOS users will now get a big preview to view photos and videos. This feature will give users a chance to view the content without opening it.
The second feature is about Disappearing messages in which all group members will get a chance to change the Disappearing messages settings. Earlier, only the administrators of the group were able to use it, but now every member of the group will be able to use it.
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